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19 feb 2013

PAPER PASSION:Perfume that smells like a book

If you're the kind of nerd like me, then you're the kind of nerd that really liked spending time in libraries and old bookrooms as a kid. To this day I love having books around me, especially the old kind with nice leather covers. And of course, if you're spent time around old books, you know that old book smell. It's kind of musty, but evokes happy memories of wood and leather and soft lamp glows, and maybe a nice fireplace (if you're very lucky) by which to sit and dig through intellectual treasures.
And what with all the memories, you start to really love that old book smell. But do you love it so much you could wear it? Pascale at Whizbang alerted me to the fact that there is a "Paper Passion" perfume!
Paper Passion Perfume

paper-passion-perfume-2.jpgPaper Passion is an actual $98 perfume that smells like books. I'm not sure if it makes you smell like new books, old books, or books with boogers between the pages, but who cares, I'd rather smell like any of those than AXE body-spray. I'm an Old Spice guy. "Jesus, how old are you?" Over 400 in wizard years!ITURRIA:SCIENTOPIA.ORG